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Waldorf School of Princeton Hosts In-Person Open House, May 22

Waldorf School of Princeton (WSP), located at 1062 Cherry Hill Road, will hold an in-person Open House on Saturday, May 22 from 10 a.m. to noon. Waldorf serves children from early childhood through eighth grade. RSVP at

The Waldorf School of Princeton is part of a rapidly growing global education movement that is dedicated to igniting each child’s unique potential and passions. The rich interdisciplinary curriculum is distinct in the way it integrates the academic, artistic and the practical in each lesson.

The pace, priorities, and practices of Waldorf education are guided by the insights of child development first introduced 100 years ago by the pedagogical innovator Rudolf Steiner. This approach is firmly validated by neuroscience and is proven to help students grow and flourish intellectually, emotionally, and socially. The intention is for students to evolve into curious, caring, and engaged citizens of their local and global communities. Today, this approach to education is more relevant and needed than ever.

The Waldorf School of Princeton is New Jersey’s only Waldorf school, honoring families from toddlerhood to eighth grade. WSP is accepting applications for the 2021-22 school year. To schedule a private tour or to contact the admissions office, call (609) 466-1970 ext. 115 or email

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