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Variety of Opportunities and Services Are Offered by Theia Senior Solutions

TEAM WORK: “The issue in aging is that everyone is an individual, and the issues are different for every family. The family dynamics are different, and the fragmented healthcare system is very challenging. We are the single point of contact, the quarterback who can help people find what they need.” Joanna Gordon Martin, founder and CEO of Theia Senior Solutions (back row, far right), is shown with the company’s team of experts.

By Jean Stratton

If indeed, as studies indicate, 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 every day and will continue to do so for at least the next decade, the implications for the health care system, for seniors and spouses with health problems, and for adult children of aging parents are very challenging.

As the population ages, increasing numbers of people face health-related decisions that can affect the entire family – and society. As seniors age, they are going to need as much support as possible to help them with everyday tasks, however, some will need additional help especially if they suffer from medical issues that require a change to the way they live. These changes may mean installing stairlifts, changing their mattress to a bariatric mattress, adding a ramp to their home, and so on.

Realizing the magnitude of this situation, Joanna Gordon Martin decided to tackle this very complex issue. After investigating all aspects of available care for older people with health considerations, the former bio-tech executive, specializing in marketing and entrepreneurship, founded Theia Senior Solutions in 2015, with headquarters at 281 Witherspoon Street.

“Caring for aging parents can be challenging even under the best circumstances. When adult children live thousands of miles away from their parents, navigating a fragmented healthcare system can become incredibly burdensome and time-consuming, especially in times of crisis,” explains Mrs. Gordon Martin. Along with the management of these facilities and retrieval of previous medical records through proficient record retrieval services, it is also vital to keep in check that the website stands out with a strong, positive image so that prospective families can choose this particular care facility in comparison with other similar websites. What the company shows is exactly what appeals to their prospective clientele. And so, with the help of a reputation management service and other various marketing and branding services, one can get their senior care business underway.

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Strategic Plan

“I was thinking about my own mother, who lives in Florida. I wanted to take a look at the support that was available, government agencies, etc. I wanted to inform myself about issues that could come up, and as I realized the need, I thought: What do people do? How do they manage? There was an incredible need. I thought if my mom got sick, I wanted the best and brightest to help her. Indeed, I wanted to create a group of the best and brightest.”

Named for Theia, the Greek goddess of light and clarity, Theia is proactive, personalized, and integrative, said Mrs. Gordon Martin. “It starts with a simple conversation to assess needs, preferences, and family dynamics. We start by listening to a family’s need, and then we offer a customized strategic plan.”

Mrs. Gordon Martin points out that Theia Senior Solutions serves multiple generations, including adult children of aging parents, healthy retirees, and those older individuals beginning to plan for possible health problems. They can include the following, she explains:

• The Sandwich Generation: Caught between the needs of aging parents, dependent children, and demanding careers.

• The Healthy Retiree: Familiar with the complexities of financial and estate planning, motivated to reduce risk in the unknowns by planing for aging their way.

• The Aging Gracefully: Reliant on trustees, or without local family support or caregivers, these older adults seek Theia’s broad expertise and responsive customized solutions.

Basic Concerns

So many concerns can arise and worry people as they become less able and independent, observes Mrs. Gordon Martin. “Who will help with grocery shopping and the basic concerns of daily living? Who will change the light bulb? How will I get my ice cream? Who will I have lunch with if I can’t drive?”

These are examples of many considerations that older individuals face. Finding an aide is not always easy, and if families are far away, trying to help with arrangements and support can be difficult and very time consuming. A recent study of long-distance caregivers showed that roughly half spent the equivalent of nearly one full work day per week managing the care of an aging loved one, reports Mrs. Gordon Martin.

“Many people are looking for a trusted adviser. What truly distinguishes Theia is our team of highly skilled client advisers, each with an average of 20 years of geriatric expertise, who serve as the single point of contact for the client, planning and managing all aspects of care,” she said.

“The type and level of monthly service will depend on the family’s need, but could include, among other offerings, patient advocacy (attending doctor’s appointments, going to the hospital, if needed), evaluating supportive care options (home care agencies, rehabilitation centers, and long-term care facilities), or providing quality of life enhancement (transportation, visits).”

Unique Nuances

Mrs. Gordon Martin notes that each situation has unique nuances, and Theia’s staff is committed to providing the highest level of personalized service to each client. The staff of professionals from healthcare, consulting, and the financial industry are able to create a comprehensive roadmap for care, which includes client enrollment in the TheiaVault, a “proprietary cloud-based portal designed to prepare families for emergencies by providing 24/7 access to critical documents, such as healthcare proxies and advanced directives for authorized family members.”

In addition, hard copy information of all documents (insurance, power of attorney, medical records, and so on) are available to clients and families.

Mrs. Gordon Martin points out that Theia is unusual in that it does not accept referral fees or commissions.

Theia’s clientele includes people of means who can afford high-end solutions, she notes. Headquartered in Princeton, the company has clients and centers in the New York tri-state area, Philadelphia metro area, and Florida.

“I am very grateful for what I have been able to do to develop Theia and to help people and the impact we can make. I’m grateful to my staff and their commitment to the families we serve. I learn something from every family. They are so highly individualized.

“The challenge is getting people to have the conversation. You never know what is going to happen, and it is better not to wait until there is a crisis. My dream is that everyone starts to plan more proactively, and with our wealth of resources we can help them in so many ways to have peace of mind.”

Theia Senior Solutions can be reached at (844) 843-4200 for an appointment.
