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Tips to Prepare for Cold and Flu Season

By Taylor Smith

With children now back in school and an increased amount of time spent indoors, fall typically signals the start of cold and flu season. In reality, a person can contract the flu any time of year, but the CDC reports that influenza typically peaks between December and February.

The composition of U.S. flu vaccines is reviewed annually and updated as needed to match circulating flu viruses. These vaccines typically protect against three-four viruses that are deemed the most likely to spread during the coming year. According to, “The World Health Organization made the selection of the H1N1 and both B components for the 2019-2020 Northern Hemisphere flu vaccines.”

It takes about two weeks after vaccination for your body to develop resistance against those particular flu strains. The CDC recommends that people are vaccinated by the end of October. In addition, simple preventative steps can diminish the likelihood of becoming unnecessarily bedridden.

Clean Your Hands

Handwashing is so simple, yet so vital. Using soap and water throughout the day (and/or alcohol-based hand sanitizers) is very effective. Also, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs typically spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches their face.

Hydrate yourself

As you cough, sneeze and even breathe, hydration levels will assist your nose and mouth in effectively removing bacteria and viruses. In addition to healing broken membranes, moisture prevents additional bacteria from entering the body. Hence, keep drinking water as much as you can. That said, remember to fluoridated water because fluoride in drinking water can help prevent oral issues. You need to know that your oral health is intrinsically linked to your immune health. Researchers at North Carolina State University found that gum disease-causing bacteria can suppress the immune system. This can further make you more vulnerable to flu viruses.

Clean and Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces at Home

Using disinfectant wipes at home will reduce the likelihood of germs spreading. In order to make sure your home gets thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, you could also hire house cleaning services from the internet. These are trained professionals who would be able to make sure all the surfaces in your home are free of harmful germs and viruses by using techniques that most of us simply don’t use in our daily life. Also, getting plenty of sleep, drinking lots of water, and eating a balanced, nutritious diet significantly supports immunity.

Cover Your Mouth and Nose

Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing. Respiratory illnesses (like whooping cough and SARS) are spread by coughing, sneezing, and unclean hands.

Stay Home When You’re Sick

If possible, individuals should stay home from work and school when sick. This simple step helps to prevent illness from spreading and infecting others.