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From celebrating birthdays to frolicking outdoors, the husband and wife team and co-owners of The Farmhouse Store tell us the things they can’t live without

By Sarah Emily Gilbert

The “About Us” page on The Farmhouse Store’s website begins, “Ultimately it’s a family business.” You need not look any further than owners Ron and Kristen Menapace’s list of 10 favorite things for proof of that statement. With their #1 spot going to spending time with their family, it’s clear that the Menapace’s success is rooted in their love for one another. Ron and Kristen aren’t running their highly esteemed home furnishings and accessories store, they can be found motorcycling, traveling, or doing another one of their favorite things listed below. more

10. Chocolate from Thomas Sweet: Princeton’s own chocolate-maker at 29 Palmer Square West always has small holiday-themed chocolates that can fit snugly in a stocking or hang on the tree.

9. “I Love Princeton” military style dog tags designed by Andrew Wilkinson available at A Store by Princeton Magazine,

8. Macaroons from Olives, 22 Witherspoon Street: Lots of stores in town sell macaroons, but our sources tell us that these sweet little gems are the best around. more

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