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Learn to Sail with the Ocean City Sailing Foundation

The Ocean City Sailing Foundation, located at 520 Bay Avenue in Ocean City, offers sailing instruction to beginners who have no experience on a sailboat, to experienced sailors who want to develop their skills, to potential racers who want to learn the basic elements of sailing competition.

The organization caters to ages 8 to 80. Children from the age of 8 can learn to skipper safe and sturdy opti boats. Teenagers and adults can learn to sail on either 18-foot sloops or 14-foot 420 boats.

Classes vary from a 2-hour introductory session to private lessons and week-long morning or afternoon sessions. The summer 2022 sailing season will run through August 20. Morning sessions are from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and afternoon sessions are from 1 to 4 p.m.

To register or for pricing information, call 609.418.3356 or visit