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Grow Your Own Rose Garden

June is National Rose Month, reminding us that it’s the ideal time to invest in one’s garden. Roses are a treat to look at and involve a lot of care and supervision, which makes them extra rewarding. They also emit a beautiful fragrance and come in a rainbow-like spectrum of colors.

So, many homeowners who are garden enthusiasts often consider planting roses in their gardens. But not many people know that it is not really easy to grow these flowers. One needs to learn about the process of planting roses and taking care of them (if interested, this page hausundhof website should be of help) to really see them in full bloom.

Here, we have tried to give readers an overview of how to go about the process. First, be aware that roses need sun and lots of it (an average of 7 hours per day is ideal), but do not like extreme heat. An area in front of a south-facing wall is ideal. Rose bushes should be spaced out approximately 3 feet from each other so that they have room to ramble.

Feeding the rose bush is critical to growing an abundance of flowers. Miracle-Gro is a reliable, all-purpose liquid fertilizer that should be applied every 2-3 weeks. A one-per-season granular fertilizer to use is Espoma Rose Tone, and a slow release option is Osmocote. Keeping up with a regular fertilizer program is essential to healthy roses.

Irrigate regularly as the plant should get 1 inch of water per week. Moisture levels should be consistent throughout the season. Be careful to not get the leaves too wet to avoid disease. Remove any black spotted leaves carefully. You may also want to spray Fung-onil or an all organic copper spray. Use Deer Out once per month to keep pesky deer at bay.

Pruning should be done minimally throughout the season for maintenance and deadheading. Deadheading keeps the plants energy, water, and fuel sources directed towards flowering blooms. Pruning is best done in the morning and evening when the plant is well-hydrated and not overly stressed from the mid-day heat. It is also important to have bypass pruning shears where both blades are curved. Investing in a good pair of pruning shears means that they are guaranteed to last a lifetime.

After winter, perform annual pruning in April when the rose bush is awakening from dormancy. Cut back up to half of the previous year’s growth. Gardeners should remove cross-growing canes to encourage the rose bush to grow upwards.

Hopefully, these tips will enhance your at-home rose garden with the best blooms ever!

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